Empowering Travel Affirmations – for your next Journey

Travel affirmations are for all of us that dream of travel and have a degree of wanderlust in our system. A yearning desire to go out and visit far off places and see the world. The past years have been challenging on mind, body and soul for many of us. With the way of travel changing around the world, the thought of travel can bring on feelings of anxiety. When it should be bringing feelings of the excitement and pleasure of a journey well deserved.

Travel affirmations like other affirmations are a way to change your mindset. Building confidence to overcome the feelings of anxiety and stress that the past few years, may have created in us at the mere thought of traveling outside our comfort zones. Essentially we are creating a positive traveling mindset by using affirmations for travel.

Being prepared by creating a positive mindset can also alleviate the travel stress and anxiety. Which is why we endorse creating a travel plan and budget. You may also like to see how we create our itineraries in 6 easy steps.

We have included 61 powerful travel affirmations to assist in the change in mindset and a guide on the some of best ways you can use these.

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Preview – 61 Empowering Travel Affirmations

Our preview, briefly highlights what you will discover within. Including a guide on using affirmations and 49 travel affirmations for different aspects of your trip. A brief description of each section and direct links for you benefit.

  1. What, Why & How of Travel Affirmations – a brief guide on what are travel affirmations, why & how to use them.
  2. Affirmations to Build Confidence – affirmations to replace stress & anxiety, building confidence.
  3. Travel Affirmations for Future Trips  – create positive energy & anticipation for your next & future trips.
  1. World Travel Affirmations – take on the World, with these insightful travel affirmations.
  2. Travel Affirmations for Health & Safety – affirmations to create a positive attitude around your health & safety
  3. Affirmations for Manifesting more Travel  – be positive & put your desires out into the universe to be answered.

What, Why & How of Travel Affirmations

What are Travel Affirmations

Travel affirmations are short positive statements referring to one or more aspects of travel that can have positive impact on your thoughts. The science of repeated verbalising or writing down of a phrase, has the ability to create new pathways in your brain.

Why use Travel Affirmations

There are several reasons why affirmations are used for travel, I myself have a fear of heights (not so good in a plane). To the point I could get in a plane but could never look out the window. Using affirmations has changed my brain so I am now looking over my husband or other people to actually SEE out the window…next step for me “WINDOW SEAT”…

Other reasons to use Travel Affirmations could include.

  • You have anxiety over travel
  • The thought of planning travel leaves you exhausted
  • Feel you can never afford to travel anywhere
  • Fear the dangers that may come with travel
  • Are cautious or lack the confidence to travel

Your brain can manifest many negative thoughts & feelings, many of us (me included) sometimes believe these things. For me personally I believe this is because negative thoughts require no action, they are easy. Whereas positive thoughts require work, & I don’t always mean physical but also mental work is required to change mindset.

Back to my window seat issue & the work I had to do… I created some personal travel affirmations that now become natural to me…one being ”I love to look upon the Horizon”. Though in the beginning I had to have it written down, close to me & physically pull it out & read it before getting on the plane. Now it just pops in my head…I am happy to say this is a better attitude and mindset.

How to Create & Use Travel Affirmations

Creating & using travel affirmations is similar to any other type of affirmation, being mindful of your own thoughts & feelings. Substituting any negative feelings or thoughts with the positive ones of those. Making an affirmative statement personal, also helps develop mindset that have more of an impact on the outcome you desire. This is relevant no matter the outcome you desire or type of travel affirmation you use to get the result you want. The sooner you start implementing these before your travel date, the better the outcome will be. Additionally, repetition is key to affirmations as well as varying the reinforcement of your travel affirmations.

Create Personal Phrases

There are plenty of travel affirmations that you can use, & they will work for you when using the following steps. However, it’s been my experience giving them a personal connotation helps in two ways. Firstly, these are easy to remember as they have personal meaning to you. Secondly, these resonate with you on a personal level, focussing on what is a positive outcome for you directly. Begin your travel affirmations with words such as ‘I, We, My’, in addition to adding words within phrases such as ‘me, we, my, our’. As seen above I created positive travel affirmations for myself, you can also.

Keep it Simple & Passionate

When you make simple & passionate travel affirmations, you are creating statements that are easy to remember. These personalised simple & passionate phrases also have the ability to reset your thinking, reliving when these thoughts & feelings were factual e.g., when you first start choosing your destination at the beginning of your planning. Additionally, you can work these short & simple succinct phrases that resonate with you, until saying them is as easy as breathing. Also, when we create passionate phrases, they have more significance to you. Whilst affirming the path you wish to create & follow.  For example, “My trip is going to be amazing”

Avoid Negative words

With all travel affirmations avoid using negative words, the goal is to create & use ‘positive words’ that affirm your desires. Keep away from words such as “bad” as well as other pessimistic or negative words that can have your mind focussing on the negative not the positive. For example, instead of “Nothing bad is going to happen on my trip”, change it to “I am ready to have a fantastic trip”. The latter focusses on the positive, where the former introduces a negative.

Be in the Present

When we use present tense to construct travel affirmations we are, signalling our brains that you are ready & willing to accept a change in mindset, NOW. Additionally, this helps to easily create new pathways for your brain that are positive, replacing any negative. Avoiding words such as ‘will, want, wish’ with ‘am, are, is’. For example, “We are ecstatic about our journey” is better than “We will be ecstatic about our journey”.

Speak it Out (Loud & Clear)

Once you have your travel affirmations created that resonate with you, now is the time to for action. As mentioned, repetition is one of the greatest ways to reinforce affirmations. Speaking your travel affirmations & repeating these helps establish them in the subconscious. There are a couple of ways to further strengthen the neural pathways to improve quality of your affirmation. Firstly, thinking your affirmations before going to sleep can strengthen these, as well as when you awake. Secondly, having an area where you can go & repeat your affirmations regularly throughout the day can also help. All these ways for a multitude of affirmations create the best mindset.

Get Visual

A great way to reinforce your travel affirmations is to get visual. This can be  achieved through mental visualisation or physical means using gestures. Firstly, you can visualise the place you are visiting, in detail is best. Close your eyes & take in the specifics you have discovered when you were creating your itinerary. As an example, if planning a trip to Italy, imagine the sites you will see, whether it’s riding in a Gondola in Venice or wandering through the Colosseum.

Give your imagination full range taking in, the aromas of clean mountain air or the fresh scent of the coast. Secondly, through gestures, these can be reinforcing to your subconscious. When doing your visualisation use simple facial expressions & sounds to express your feelings. These can be a smile or laugh, or a sigh, whilst it may seem silly these help the connection of positive feelings & thoughts.

Use Prompts

Another way to visualise your travel affirmations is through prompts, this can be done as simply as having notes around your spaces. This can also be achieved using our various templates & printing on cards or paper. So, they can be framed or cut out to have close to you & in your space. Alternatively, you can create vision boards whether they are physical of digital. Filled with positive words, images, favourite travel affirmations & quotes, it really is up to you. These are a great way to prompt your brain to visualise all you have planned & remain positively focused.

Concluding thoughts on Travel Affirmations

As mentioned earlier, to create a better mindset & reprogram your brain. Especially after the few years we have had, work is required. Whilst it may not appear physically taxing, it can be challenging mentally, especially if your anxiety is heightened by negative experiences you encountered in recent years. Uncertainty of access to travel, constant changes to requirements & cancellations at the last minute. Though I can attest creating personal travel affirmations, alleviates much of the anxiety to being non existent after continued time.

Figureoatable – Is my favourite word for the year, with this affirmation being forefront in my brain…

Picture of some elements in the Free Travel Checklists one of our favourite travel planning resources

Our pre-travel checklists, get you started on your independent travel journey. With all you need to get you planning your next adventure without missing a deadline.

Affirmations to Build Confidence

Travel affirmations are a great way to reprogram your brain to reduce anxiety before and during a trip. Whether it’s the planning stage, which is a big one for some, we have our checklists to help with that. For me its getting to the airport on time, having all documents & the window seat dilemma. However, using travel affirmations for anxiety have reduced much of this, even getting to the airport on time, I still leave with plenty of time but I don’t stress if there is heavy traffic…anymore…

Below are some of my favourite confidence building travel affirmations.

  1. I allow travel to lift my spirits.
  2. My travel plans fill my mind & spirit with joy.
  3. I welcome confidence into my mind as I ponder my travelling plans.
  4. Adventures increase my bravery & trust in travelling.
  5. I am overjoyed to take the trip ahead.
  6. I am ready now for an incredible trip!
Image of Travel Affirmation for confidence
  1. I choose to be relaxed & enjoy the journey.
  2. I breathe in confidence & exhale fear.
  3. I invite confidence into my mind as I reflect on my travel plans.
  4. I have the courage required to travel.
  5. I welcome new experiences.
  6. I am calm & content.

Travel Affirmations for Future Trips

When thinking ahead to future trips, you can get overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. Here is where travel affirmations can help, having them written out around your space, is great as you are always reading them. Alternatively, when you have a specific task to do, you can focus on your chosen travel affirmation by repeating it out loud before and during the task.

  1. I am excited to make travel plans.
  2. Booking travel is fun & exciting.
  3. I have planned an amazing trip
  4. I appreciate my abundant life.
  5. I will take advantage of every opportunity to travel.
  6. I cherish memorable, spontaneous travel moments.
  1. I am positively anticipating my next travel excursion.
  2. There is no rush, and everything is figureoutable.
  3. I look forward to recharging & restoring, on this trip.
  4. I am so very full of peace & gratitude for this journey.
  5. I find pleasure in the hidden & most secret of places.
  6. My journey to new destinations is always peaceful & rewarding.

World Travel Affirmations

With all that has been going on with travel around the world of late, travel affirmations around world travel can help in easing your mind. Simple phrases to ease your mind and create a confident mindset go a long way to this end. In addition to, being prepared and flexible is also a must, for us having insurance is that one step further to put ourselves at ease.

  1. I move through the world with ease.
  2. The world is my oyster to travel
  3. I am overflowing with world wanderlust.
  4. I find joy in exploring new places.
  5. I am grateful for the opportunity to explore the world.
  6. World travel fills my life with culture & beauty.
  1. I appreciate the opportunities to see as many places.
  2. I wake up in a new place joyful & inspired to make this day great.
  3. Travelling the world fills my days with laughter.
  4. Positive energy is mine with world travel.
  5. I deserve to enjoy my dream destination.
  6. I embrace travelling the world
Picture of some elements in the Free Travel Checklists one of our favourite travel planning resources

Our pre-travel checklists, get you started on your independent travel journey. With all you need to get you planning your next adventure without missing a deadline.

Travel Affirmations for Health & Safety

Whilst travel affirmations for health and safety, can reduce anxiety and change your mindset. Like above I would never recommend travelling without insureance or checking your countries global travel website, for current safety status.

However, saying the travel affirmation ‘I nourish my body with healthy foods’ is actually a mental prompt to yourself to do so…this in turn can increase your energy so, ‘I have abundant energy for my travels’ is always followed.

As with any affirmations whilst putting it out in the universe is one think, some work on your part need to be accomplished to compliment the request.

For me, I can honestly say ‘my soul thrives when I travel’, it may seem silly. Though I notice I get more energy, I have a bounce in my step and I can never wipe the smile off my face…

  1. I have abundant energy for my travels.
  2. I nourish my body with healthy foods.
  3. My soul thrives when I travel.
  4. I am protected at home & abroad.
  5. I am always grateful for a smooth, intentional journey.
  6. I have confidence with all transportations, I am safe & protected.
  1. I release any concerns & worries regarding my safety & travel.
  2. Travel is my idea of deliberate self-care & relaxation.
  3. I am happier with travel in my life.
  4. I am confident of a safe journey
  5. Good things come to me when I travel.
  6. I am happy & safe.

“Give Stories, NOT Stuff”

“Building Memories, along the way”

Whether it’s for Valentines Day, Christmas, Anniversary, Birthday, Wedding or “Just Because”.

Start manifesting travel for yourself & others…

Give the gift that keeps giving…

Tinggly gift boxes

Affirmations for Manifesting more Travel

I am a firm believer if don’t you put it out there, then nothing will happen. If you don’t ask then the answer is immediately ‘no’. So, whether its more opportunities to travel, desires to go to a particular place, having the energy or funds available then I say…


This is a fantastic travel affirmation and I have found it works, maybe not in the way you imagined but it will work. That said, you also have to put in a little work, whether it’s time, money or a plan.

For example a recent trip was planned with short notice and the flights were $$$$, I asked for a way to reduce this…I believed I could find a way, having worked on building points over the year I investigated if I had enough…I checked and seats that I could get with my points were available…I received…

  1. I ask, I believe, I receive.
  2. I attract success & wild adventure.
  3. I am open & ready to travel.
  4. I will create the life that I desire.
  5. I manifest a unique experience to my dream destination.
  6. I am grateful & open to the abundances of the universe.
  1. I invite new travel opportunities into my life.
  2. I am the energy that I wish to attract.
  3. All of my dreams are coming true.
  4. My travel fortune is my own design.
  5. My heart eagerly seeks a journey.
  6. My perfect trip is just around the corner.
  7. I confidently move forward planning future adventures.
Picture of some elements in the Free Travel Checklists one of our favourite travel planning resources

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I am always happy to reply to any comments, suggestions for next articles or a hello. You can contact me through our Social Media or at jeanine@letsgoawandering.com with any questions or comments.